Sunday 10 November 2013

Chargers Ready to Go

It was a very sad day yesterday.  Our oldest daughter along with her husband and three children, headed off to the Eastern States to a new home, job and life.  We were a bunch of blubbering messes as we waved them off and wished them well.  I can't believe the grandkids wont be running in my front door every second day as they usually do.  It is very hard to part with them, as the youngest one was born during the time they lived with us while their home was being built, so we are very close.  Boo Hoo I only have 10 grandchildren left now in this State, so I will have to make do with them.

I was impressed with how organised Sarah was with her packing and thought I should share it with you as I know I will use this idea myself in the future.  She plugged all chargers, camera, phones, DS, and Computer cords etc into a power board with the right amount of holes, ready to plug into a socket at the hotel when they stopped for the night, all set for their owners.  I did think to take a double adaptor with me overseas to stretch our charging power with the one adaptor that we had for each country we visited, but will definitely be doing this next time we travel.

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