We don't really celebrate Valentines Day, I think one Valentines day in our forty five year marriage we went out for dinner. This year I decided to go all American and start using special cups for the different festive occasions. I must be getting brainwashed by You Tube. I hope this doesn't mean I am getting all old and quaint and will move on to garden gnomes next.

We should be moving to our new home in the next two weeks. The last push to get the final things done so that it is liveable makes me have a flash back to labour, I feel like I am in transition and just don't have the grit to do the last bit and deliver the baby. This is largely due to the fact that most of the stuff is just hard work and I haven't got to the fun decorating bit yet. My kitchen fit out and bathroom tiling should be all finished by early next week so as soon as the electrician and plumber have been back we will move and do the rest while we are in there. We have been so blessed while going through my cancer scare, chemo and now finally getting to owner building our house as we have been renting a beautiful home in Lakelands from our ex daughter in law and her husband, who are moving back in once we move out. They have been extremely gracious and not rushing us at all, obviously though we would like to vacate so they can get settled back in before their new baby arrives later in the year.
the drawers are in the car ready to go to the house, but you get the idea |
I did get excited last night when Allan managed to get the top off the vanity that my friend and I went and purchased from the other side of Perth for $100 in 2014 when we were originally starting our building adventure and got rudely interrupted. It is quite large 1500 mm long, and had two ugly sinks on top. It now has its new handles and I will post a picture when it has the top and basin on it. Vanities this size would be at least $1500 up, so by the time I put a stone top and new basin and tap it will be around $650. That is the only time I have gone that far to resource something, but knew it was too good a bargain to pass up. I also bought gorgeous coach lights for outside, that were two big for their house and just right for ours for $40 each. They were brand new and had cost the seller $150 each. We will probably have to call our house 'Gumtree' to honour its contribution. I allowed myself $1000 for the ensuite vanity, bathroom vanity and laundry sink cupboard. Allan thought I was joking. I wasn't! It will probably come in about $50 over largely because I bought expensive handles from ebay for the main bathroom vanity. I will show you pictures when it is finished. You can save heaps like this, but, it does cost your time, which we have so not a problem.

Meanwhile we are packing up to move. I can't believe how much stuff we have. I think there will be a lot of culling in the near future.
The for sale pile is growing