Saturday 21 April 2012

Who told you you were naked

At a women’s retreat the speaker was telling us about her son who was quite small, who had been teased at school about his size, they had always tried to make him feel good about himself, no matter what his size.  She said to us, I asked Him “who told you you were naked” “who made you doubt yourself”.  It made me think that most of us are succeptible to the enemies attempts to make us ineffective.  We come into the Kingdom of God often from horrendous backgrounds,  filled with self doubt, low self esteem from growing up with out ever being encouraged.   The enemy knows what buttons to press, to drag up some of that old low self esteem.  The only way to overcome the doubt is to renew our minds, with God’s word, till we come to the place where we believe we are new creatures, that all things are new, that we can do all things through Christ, and see God work in our lives to the point where the Voice of the Holy Spirit is louder that any other in our life.

For some of us that journey takes longer than for others and most of us could write a book about the trip, maybe I will as soon as I believe I can do it.

Spencer's Eating Skills

I was feeding my little grandson some mashed banana and custard last night, he is 17 months.  I thought I was skilled at eating having been at it for 60 years, but he took the cake. After demolishing nearly all the bowl full I was about to shovel the last bit into his mouth when I thought I  saw something white inside his cheek.  Bravely I shoved my finger in and scooped, scoring a hard bite from his razor sharp baby teeth, I nearly gave up but, had one more go.  This time out came a lego block.  I couldn't believe he had eaten all that food without choking.